Requests (1,614)
CLOSED #24-00344927Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: InvestigationDetailsForward to Austin Water Utility. Small sinkhole near utility line in front of tree at the address provided.Watershed has no storm pipe in front of tree.
CLOSED #24-00331957Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: InvestigationDetailsThis service request needs to go to Public Works Transportation. The whole street is upshifting curb is offset along with the sidewalk that the citizen wants to address. The citizen is worried about a sinkhole too. Watershed has no drainage pipe on their street.Please contact citizen when arriving he's like to meet investigator on site.
CLOSED #24-00317833No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_PROJSummary: investigationDetailsThis location is active and being reviewed by The Watershed Engineering group to determine an upgraded drainage plan. The citizen was contacted and informed of this information.
CLOSED #24-00315305Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to:Watershed engineering (erosion) Contact Email: Contact Phone Number: Reason for referral: erosion Service Request # CSR24-00315305 as a reference.
Hello, I'm concerned about the erosion of a city easement that runs through my backyard. My property is located at 1204 Silverton ct. Most recently a small tree has toppled over and has made the easement more vulnerable to erosion during the next rain season.
CLOSED #24-00307041Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to: Ingrid Tower/ Watershed Engineering Contact Email: Contact Phone Number: Reason for referral: erosion complaint Service Request # CSR24-00307041 as a reference.
CLOSED #24-00305117Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to: Engineering Watershed Protection Contact Email: Ingrid Tower Contact Phone Number: Reason for referral: Service Request # CSR24-00305117 as a reference.
CLOSED #24-00303576Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: InvestigationDetailsForward to Enviromental Inspections. Filter fabric fencing needs to be replaced to prevent silt from draining off towards neighbor and creek. Please add photo in the link on the service request.
CLOSED #24-00291918No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_PROJSummary: InvestigationDetailsInformation has been sent to engineering regarding erosion. citizen has been contacted.
Erosion at onion creek metro park. Dangerous to walk down to creek
CLOSED #24-00291548Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: investigation Details Please transfer to the Parks and Recreation Department concern is located at City of Austin Parks: Onion Creek Metro Park.
CLOSED #24-00270120No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroup Details Minimal erosion will be documented on the ifolders for the engineering staff. The citizen has been contacted.