Requests (6,002)
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00039298Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00039074Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR. Anonymous citizen.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Wires tangled in protected tree
CLOSED #25-00039069Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please forward to Austin Energy for utility clearance.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Tree has fallen on street & curb at 1103 Mason Ave...78721
CLOSED #25-00038595Referred to 311 For Further Review. Forward to public works.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Investigate possible encroachment onto parkland by developer
CLOSED #25-00038345Provided Resolution to Customer - Close SR. "Inspector spoke to the citizen.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Homeless encampment leading to trash in East Bouldin creek.
CLOSED #25-00038324Referred to 311 For Further Review. Forward to code compliance.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037870Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. Sending message to citizen to try and ger more information on this.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Protected tree being removed
CLOSED #25-00037732Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR. Anonymous citizen.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037634Inspect Site. Scheduled for inspection.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037586Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. Tried to call citizen and the call failed. Sent text to number provided.