Requests (6,026)

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    1202 Montopolis Dr, Austin


    CLOSED #24-00437046

    Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR. Anonymous citizen.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    Sunny Vista Dr & Beckett Rd, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00436875

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. On 12/06/2024, I responded to the provided location. Upon arrival, I exited my vehicle and approached the area in question. I observed that this isn't an environmental enforcement compliant. This is something the Right of Way Department should review.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    1203 River Ridge Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00436178

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. This site is compliant the tree protection is up.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    4615 Gillis St, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00436180

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. On 12/06/2024, I responded to the provided location. Upon arrival, I exited my vehicle and met with the property owner. The property owner explained that she does not need environmental enforcement. She want's someone from the city Arborist Group to come out speak with her about a heritage tree in the back of her property. The complainant has concerns about the tree's health. I took a look at the tree and it has not been harmed. I informed the complainant that this complaint will be sent to the Arborist for review.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    5505 Blue Goose Rd, Austin

    Unpermitted work, no environmental controls

    CLOSED #24-00435992

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    6861 E 290 Hwy EB, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00435983

    Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. I've left voicemail messages.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    3306 Ferguson Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00435842

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    1300 Piedmont Ave, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00435738

    Inspect Site. Forwarded to site inspector for investigation.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    3406 Bridle Path, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00435636

    Inspect Site. Scheduled for inspection.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    4703 Bucks Run, Austin

    Fence destroyed and in right of way on sidewalk along with fallen tree

    CLOSED #24-00434854

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. This isn't an environmental complaint. Refer to Right of Way.



Ticket Type

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint (Remove)