Requests (5,705)

  • Bicycle Issues

    Beckett Rd & W Slaughter Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00406618
  • Bicycle Issues

    Foster Ln & Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00405076

    Referred to Other Department - Close SR.

  • Bicycle Issues

    1419 Kramer Ln, Austin

    Kramer Bike lane needs cleaned

    CLOSED #24-00404935

    Referred to Other Department - Close SR.

  • Bicycle Issues

    12223 Tyson Cv, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00404914

    Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works is evaluating this area for additional signage and or enforcement.

  • Bicycle Issues

    1901 Wickersham Ln, Austin

    Hazard in bike lane

    CLOSED #24-00404828

    Referred to Other Department - Close SR.

  • Bicycle Issues

    W James St & S Congress Ave, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00403812

    Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. TPW will evaluate the corner and add visibility markings as warranted.

  • Bicycle Issues

    200 W Lisa Dr, Austin

    Street full of debris

    CLOSED #24-00403121

    Referred to Other Department - Close SR.

  • Bicycle Issues

    205 W St Johns Ave, Austin

    Driveways on St John's need curbs cut

    CLOSED #24-00403113

    Referred to Other Department - Close SR.

  • Bicycle Issues

    6400 Hillside Terrace Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00397430

    Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Thank you for sharing your concerns. For brief background, the project was initiated in service to safer routes to school for students and families at Gorzycki Middle School and Mills Elementary School. The final design was shaped by community feedback heard initially in 2022 and further refined with comments received in subsequent outreach efforts. The project is in the process of being installed. Based on feedback, additional centerline has been added to Barstow Avenue, Hillside Terrace Drive and Allerton Avenue. Further modifications to address concerns will be made in the coming days: - Opening up more parking, passing and turning space on Barstow Avenue between Melawa Ct. and Hillside Terrace Drive - Adding more parking along Allerton Avenue to reduce parking demand on side streets - Improving visibility of the parking pockets on Hillside Terrace Drive. It was important to Hillside Terrace Drive residents to retain parking on the north curb. Thank you again for reaching out.

  • Bicycle Issues

    Lake Austin Blvd & Redbud Trl, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00396100

    Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works (TPW) will evaluate the area and consider ways to address the concern.



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