Requests (128)
Traffic Sign New
A 3-way stop is needed where Blue Crest Dr ends at Goodrich. Currently, there is only a stop sign on Blue Crest. When turning left or right from Blue Crest onto Goodrich, the visibility of pedestrians and other cars is usually very limited due to parked cars and overgrown brush. At the same time, drivers on Goodrich tend to go too fast for a residential street. Adding stop signs on Goodrich would greatly increase safety at this intersection. A crosswalk would also be helpful. Thank you.
OPEN #25-00019824 -
Traffic Sign New
All-way stop needed because of parked cars obstructing view of cross-traffic, as well as pedestrians crossing
OPEN #25-00018657Assign To Area Engineer Staff.
Traffic Sign New
There is a two way stop at Redd and Mt Vernon streets in 78745. I live nearby and have witnessed many near miss accidents. It feels like it would be a four way stop (all the others along this section of Redd are) so many people assume it is and proceed too quickly nearly getting hit. It really should be a four way stop (two new stop signs needed). Someone will be hurt at this intersection. It is just a matter of time. Thank you!
OPEN #25-00018202Assign To Area Engineer Staff.
Traffic Sign New
Rock trucks driving down Old Bee Cave rd at like 50 mph. Very dangerous & we need road humps & a 4 way stop at Fletcher to fix the problem.
OPEN #25-00018075 -