Austin 311

Help keep our city beautiful

City of Austin

Recent Reports

  • Tree Issue Right of Way

    1311 Radcliff Dr, Austin

    I need the COA out to cut two limbs from a tree. One is hanging danger ously over a heavily traveled sidewalk and, with strong winds, could break and fall. Both have limbs/branches touching power lines. No one in the tree trimming business will touch either limb. I need both cut down in order to have the remainder of this tree properly pruned. The other tree, in the foreground, is dead. There are limbs touching the power lines that need to be cut away.

    OPEN #24-00329821
  • Non Emergency Noise Complaint

    6929 Airport Blvd, Austin

    OPEN #24-00329818
  • Dead Animal Collection

    2411 Blue Meadow Dr, Austin

    OPEN #24-00329815