Reports (41)

  • Caller did not leave a phone number for a follow-up. However, Watershed Protection staff did sample at Sculpture Falls related to 311 reports of observed algal mats and possible human exposures.

    CLOSED #21-00437969
  • Brent Bellinger talked with caller where it was reported that he had a sore throat. Caller was concerned about short- and long- term implications of exposure. Austin Public Health followed-up to discuss likely effects of ingestion of cyanotoxins. Watershed Protection followed-up by sampling sculpture falls.

    CLOSED #21-00437509
  • testing needed on entirety of Barton Creek per several individuals who have received rashes, and other symptoms after being in Barton Creek. No contact information was provided. However, Watershed staff did go out and sample the Sculpture Falls location that was mentioned by the caller.

    CLOSED #21-00415041
  • Caller is reporting she fell into the lady bird lake and is now experiencing illness symptoms that seem similar to algae exposure. A representative from Austin Public Health spoke with the individual on within a day of the 311 call. The caller fell into the water and likely gulped water; however, the symptoms could have been toxin, bacterial, or other factors. Given known near absent toxin concentrations in water, that was likely not the cause. Caller did not seek medical treatment.

    CLOSED #21-00406931
  • Dog started showing symptoms today. After contacting dog owner learned that dog had swam in Barton Creek above Barton Springs Pool. Symptoms appeared to be minor and suggestive of a bacterial exposure. A full recovery occurred.

    CLOSED #21-00381527
  • Caller stated that they brought their dog to reed park on Saturday, August 7th, and they believe the creek in here may of gotten their dog sick, from potential blue algae. Brent talked to her on the 13th and learned that the dog suffered from diarrhea. it is likely that because of low flows bacteria were prevalent. Dog made a full recovery.

    CLOSED #21-00374613
  • The caller had items stolen. When she called 311, she was not sure how to report the issue and so selected harmful algae. Brent Bellinger spoke with her on 7/22 and told her to call the police.

    CLOSED #21-00340513
  • caller says she was told by Brent Bellinger, to call his office for test results. says she hasn't received a callback yet. Caller was followed-up with once data results were acquired, informing her of a negative result.

    CLOSED #21-00340332
  • This pool is not safe. No one deserve to live in a place where kids are not able to use the pool. It is always like that. Issue was passed along to a more appropriate group to deal with pool water quality.

    CLOSED #21-00298270
  • Citizen was contacted on 6/21/21. After swimming at Barking Springs (spillway below the pool), her dog started peeing blood. A visit to the vet was unable to determine a cause, and the dog has made a full recovery. Food allergies were considered or some other infection acquired while the dog was swimming.

    CLOSED #21-00292959



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