Requests (99)

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    11412 Day Camp Ln, Austin

    Road has over foot gap of corruption and separation from pavement asphalt. Please repair or repave.

    CLOSED #23-00265646

    CPREFERA. Please send to TPW. Not our project.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    2303 Rio Grande St, Austin

    CLOSED #23-00260944

    CPREFERA. Please pass this SR on to APW/ADT. This is not related to any of our projects.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    10609 Icarus Ct, Austin

    CLOSED #23-00245268

    CPREFERA. Please forward to TPD.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    8408 S Ih 35 Svrd SB, Austin

    Please make this a two lane frontage road's such a hazard and has worsened the congestion since having it at just one lane

    CLOSED #23-00243597

    CPREFERA. This is a TxDOT project. Please either refer caller to TxDOT or pass this SR along to TxDOT.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    Lunar Dr & W William Cannon Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #23-00241251


  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    501 Guadalupe St, Austin

    Closing three out of four lanes down leaving one lane on Guadalupe is unacceptable traffic backed up for blocks and blocks with no work being done.

    CLOSED #23-00235061

    CPREFERA. Please refer to ROW management.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    6201 Chesterfield Ave, Austin

    CLOSED #23-00232596


  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    5168 S Congress Ave, Austin

    CLOSED #23-00231567

    CPREFERA. Directed to at ATD as this is not on one of our corridors/projects.

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    8290 S Ih 35 Svrd SB, Austin

    The traffic bottlenecks when the southbound access road enters i35 due to reducing the lanes from 2 to one, there used to be 2 lanes all the way through to the light at slaughter lane.

    CLOSED #23-00224307

    CPREFERA. Anna and Jess handed over the information to TxDOT as the comment is related to one of their projects. Emailed SR information to

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback

    1003 Springdale Rd, Austin

    Springdale has seen massive improvement to biking and walking infrastructure except for where it crosses Airport Boulevard it becomes a dangerous high speed free for all. Is there any plan to improve? There's going to be much more pedestrian and bike traffic here when construction on the office buildings and multitenant residences are completed.

    CLOSED #23-00222962

    CPSPNFAN. Katy emailed called and he thanked us for the information.



Ticket Type

  • Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback (Remove)