Requests (6,000)
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037870Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. Sending message to citizen to try and ger more information on this.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Protected tree being removed
CLOSED #25-00037732Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR. Anonymous citizen.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037634Inspect Site. Scheduled for inspection.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037586Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. Tried to call citizen and the call failed. Sent text to number provided.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00037404Provided Resolution to Customer - Close SR. I've provided the customer with a resolution.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
I would like to see if the city can get an arborist to save trees marked with ribbons for removal. Some of these trees have silver i.d. tags on them. 4111 Shoal Creek Blvd. and the vacant lot just north of 4111 Shoal Creek Blvd. (if there was a house on the vacant lot, it would be 4113 or 4115 ShoalCreek Blvd.). The marked tree in the vacant lot is huge. Thank you.
CLOSED #25-00037117Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please forward to City Arborist office for tree review questions. No violation has occurred per this service request as of yet so enforcement does not yet get involved.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00036558Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. Spoke to citizen via phone call.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Trucks idling and backup alarms going off constantly along with sounds of giant concrete chunks being dropped into industrial dumpsters. Can smell exhaust from our yard.
CLOSED #25-00036521Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. Inspector spoke with citizen.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #25-00036478Inspect Site. The city does not do consultations for tree hazards on private property. A private industry arborist will need to be consulted for a consultation.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
WORK IN PROGRESS #25-00036432Inspect Site. Forwarded to site inspector for investigation.