Requests (6,000)
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #24-00427530Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please refer to Austin Code compliance regarding what appears to be unpermitted privacy fence being erected at 1215 Pasadena.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #24-00427527Inspect Site. Forwarded to area inspector for investigation.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Appears to not be an emergency. “Contained” fire causing sparks to fly around nearby homes and dry trees.
CLOSED #24-00427288Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. I sent an email message.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Dust abatement is not happening at this Construction site off of FM 973
CLOSED #24-00426642Unable to Contact Customer Left Message - Close SR. Left a voicemail message.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #24-00426607Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Rental property next door (2509 Wilma) has HUGE tree in backyard that looks like it is going to split vertically down trunk. It would fall on fence and our house. It is 50+ feet tall. See image with orange arrow - one is zoomed in on crack.
CLOSED #24-00426484Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please refer this complaint to the City Arborist Group and the Urban Forestry Department.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Tree is obstructing pathway and will fall off trees that are supporting it.
CLOSED #24-00425806Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please forward to Public Works Forestry.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #24-00425486Referred to 311 For Further Review. On 11/25/2024, I responded to the provided location. Upon arrival, I exited my vehicle and approached the area of concern. Utilizing my approved vantage point, I observed that the site in question is a Public Works project. The tree/trees in question have not been impacted at this time. I spoke with the project supervisor; he informed me that the sidewalk is being moved and expanded. He and I discussed tree protection once the project reaches the trees in the complaint description. Please forward this complaint to the Public Works Department for further review.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
CLOSED #24-00425447Unable to Contact Customer Could Not Leave Message - Close SR.
Tree and Environmental Complaint
Homeowner on Cliffstone Cove has built a permanent fence out into the Barton Creek Greenbelt. The address is 4503 Cliffstone Cove. They have built this fence on city property.
CLOSED #24-00424147Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please refer this complaint to the Austin Code Department .