Requests (1,614)
CLOSED #24-00173620Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details SRP engineers visited this site on February 15, 2018. The erosion site at 2308 Peach Ct is a small bank scour scar on the outside of a bend threatening to undermine a chain link fence. The site was last visited on 10-5-2011. Comparing with 2011 photos and measurements, it appears that the erosion has advanced slightly. There is a private storm drain discharging through the bank near the scar.No erosion repair work is planned at this location due to the minor nature of the problem and the fact that no resources other than the yard/fence are threatened.The advice we give to homeowners with fence issues are the following:1. Move the fence back from the edge of the creek2. Look at how water is flowing from gutters, patios, rooftops to make sure water flowing to the creek is spread out as much as possible before flowing down the creek bank.3. Plant groundcover and deep rooted plants at the fence (you can refer to ourGrow Green Guidefor good choices).Dr. Eric D. Loucks, P.E.Supervising Civil EngineerStormwater Treatment and Stream RestorationDirect: (512) 974-2534Mobile: (512) 299-1821.
CLOSED #24-00171574Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: ROCKK Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Maximo doesn't save address after Follow up To . . . Details 6-26-24 At this time, unable to save address when enter it after "Follow Up To An Inspection or Investigation".
CLOSED #24-00160185Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details Information will be sent to engineering for evaluation regarding erosion. The citizen was contacted on site.
CLOSED #24-00159955No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: SOLISJO Log Type: FUTURE_PROJ Summary: Investigation Details This location has been sent to engineering group to evaluate the erosion.
CLOSED #24-00159530Blockage Cleared - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: CARTERC Log Type: BLOCKAGE_CLEARED Summary: Removed 2 downed trees from channel. Details.
CLOSED #24-00154180Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: JONESAL Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Investigation Details I investigated this site complaint and found that the homeowner's chief concern is about the erosion starting to happen on the side and rear of his home. Watershed Protection Department has no assets onside or to the rear of his home. He mentioned that he would like to build some sort of retaining wall there in order to stop the erosion. He also asked to speak with or meet with someone in Austin Development Services Department. Please transfer to the Development Services Department.
CLOSED #24-00152624Referred to Other Agency - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: DELEONF Log Type: REF_EXTERNAL Summary: Investigation Details information will be documented for watershed engineering staff. citizen is not wanting a call-back. past erosion project was implemented in the past on the upstream and downstream side.
CLOSED #24-00144863Blockage Cleared - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: BLOCKAGE_CLEARED Summary: Crew cut and removed trees in the middle of channel to allow water flow also grade to drain bar ditc Details Crew cut and removed trees in the middle of channel to allow water flow also grade to drain bar ditch.
CLOSED #24-00138749Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: JONESAL Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Investigation Details I investigated this complaint and then spoke with the property owner. His concern was / is about several exposed line sections of wastewater sewer piping in the creek. Please transfer to Austin Water Utility for service.
CLOSED #24-00134735Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: JONESAL Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Investigation Details Both property owners are extremely nice and would like to speak with someone from our engineering team when possible.