Requests (413)
Trash debris in lady bird lake
CLOSED #24-00400847Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: WO_CREATEDSummary: On ScheduleDetailsThank youfor your service request. The City ofAustin, Watershed Protection Department has a crew dedicated to providingmaintenance to Lady Bird Lake and 13 miles of shoreline. The crew works on a preventative maintenanceschedule and will get to this area sometime within the month.
Electric scooter in Lady Bird Lake
CLOSED #24-00399850Cleared Debris in Water - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_WATERSummary: 11.04.2024DetailsCrew went to location provided on CSR and pulled out 3 scooters that were left at holiday boat ramp area.
CLOSED #24-00382996
Cleared Debris in Water - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_WATERSummary: 1022.2024DetailsDead animal located and taken out of the water.
Tired submerged in lady bird lake about 6 feet from the shoreline. It’s immediately east / eastern edge and under Pfluger bridge
CLOSED #24-00376987Cleared Debris in Water - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_WATERSummary: 10.18.2024DetailsCrew pulled a tire from water.
Scooter in lake (by Deep Eddy deck)
CLOSED #24-00359039No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUNDSummary: 10.02.2024DetailsScooter was not found from the SR created.
Several tents and garbage everywhere
CLOSED #24-00322885Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Please forward to PARD. Encampments.Details_Details_Several tents and garbage everywhere _Flex Notes_*What is the issue?*Trash/Debris On Land*Is your concern related to homelessness activity?*Yes*Are people accumulating encampment materials such as tents, makeshift lodging, blankets, etc?*Yes*Are people sleeping in the area?*Yes*Are people performing activities related to personal hygiene? (bathing, defecating)*Yes*What segment(s) of Lady Bird Lake?*From South 1st Street Bridge to Congress Ave. Bridge*Is this on the north shore of south shore of Lady Bird Lake?*North Shore*Provide any additional details of the issue.*Laundry, needles,*Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue?*No*SR SLA (Due) Date/Time*01/14/2025 11:23:13 AM*Mobile Apps Reporter Information*app=;app_ver=6.4.10;os=ios;os_ver=17.6.1;model=iPhone 13 Pro Max;model_id=;device_id=9addb3b7-1d45-46ca-a56c-915b81499653;input_locale=en-US;registered=2024-02-13T15:25:55*Spot Reference Id*d2067813-87c1-49cc-8a81-d53fc0488465Please forward to PARD. Encampments.
CLOSED #24-00287502
Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: 8.27.2024 Details Thank you for your service request. The City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department has a crew dedicated to providing maintenance to Lady Bird Lake and 13 miles of shoreline. The crew works on a preventative maintenance schedule and will get to this area sometime within the month.
A lot of litter floating on top of lady bird lake under mopac closer to north shore
CLOSED #24-00285566Cleared Debris on Shoreline - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_SHORE Summary: 8.27.2024 Details Crew is working in the area today.
Large amounts of trash in Lady Bird Lake
CLOSED #24-00277457Cleared Debris on Shoreline - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_SHORESummary: 8.7.2024DetailsCrew was in the area and collected trash.
CLOSED #24-00276666
Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: POOLW Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Transfer to Parks and Recreation Details Please transfer to the Parks and Recreation department. This is their property and they are aware of the issue. Thank you.