Requests (3,996)
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
CLOSED #25-00035370No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ISSUESummary: Jim Kotok the renter will be responsible for informing us about the scoreboard not workingDetails.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
OPEN #25-00034004 -
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
OPEN #25-00033488 -
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
OPEN #25-00030235 -
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
Light at the Susanna Dickinson Henning house sticking out a ground
OPEN #25-00029879 -
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
CLOSED #25-00029506Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Stand remountedDetails.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
CLOSED #25-00025237Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Non-PARD PropertyDetailsNon-PARD Property.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
CLOSED #25-00024426Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Transfer SR to Austin EnergyDetailsLight Pole # 388926 on Barton Springs Rd across from the Zilker Botanical Garden has 2 lights on it. One faces the street and the other faces south towards parkland. The light stays on constantly and can be turned off with a switch but will turn back on within 30 minutes. It might have a bad light switch that controls the light.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
CLOSED #25-00019679No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ISSUESummary: This is a reservable site and no power until reserved.Details.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Electrical Issues
The lights in this city park are out, eight of them, four on each stanchion, and it creates a very dark and dangerous situation in this area of the sidewalk.
CLOSED #25-00019119No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ISSUESummary: No Pard issue. Will send request to the Public Works Dept.Details.