Requests (3,700)

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    10800 Mickelson Dr, Austin

    gate unlocked and open on retaining pond

    CLOSED #25-00015068

    No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUNDSummary: InvestigationDetailsUpon my investigation, all access gates to the pond have been locked and secured. (See photos in attachments).

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    6513 Alum Rock Cv, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00013001

    No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUNDSummary: InvestigationDetailsDuring investigation it was determined that this is a private property matter, and the property owner is responsible for maintenance.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    7000 Ardath St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00012766

    Site Being Monitored - Contact Caller - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: SITE_MONITORSummary: Confirmed this was addressed by WPD SPill Response in June 2024Details.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    5001 Desert Oak Cir, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00007373

    No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUNDSummary: InvestigationDetailsDuring investigation it was determined that there is a small amount of water in the residential pond that has not soaked in or evaporated. There were puddles along the trickle channel leading to this standing water, but no flowing source was found at this time.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    4647 Peach Grove Rd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00005230

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: WO_CREATEDSummary: InvestigationDetailsDuring investigation it was determined that there are two missing fence panels, approximately four missing fence pickets, and a pile trash and debris. Please repair fence and remove trash and debris.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    7901 Linda Michelle Ln, Austin

    Folks are starting to see unwanted pets creating nests and beginning to come onto properties. (E.g. paper wasps, hornets, bees, snakes, etc.) Would you kindly send out a crew to bushwhack the growth and push it back to a few feet from our yards?

    CLOSED #24-00460339

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Please transfer to Parks and RecreationDetailsAfter reviewing the area and our maps we confirmed the owner and managing department of the area in question is Parks and Recreation. We have attached a photo showing the owner and managing department. Please transfer this to Parks and Recreation, so they can have someone look into this issue. Thank you.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    4004 Glengarry Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00460272

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: WO_CREATEDSummary: InvestigationDetailsDuring investigation it was determined that the fence top rail hardware is missing screws. Please reattach hardware.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    8729 Taline Cir, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00458692

    Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to: Residential Ponds Inspections Reason for referral: Further investigation Service Request # CSR24-00458692 as a reference.

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    1001 Collinwood West Dr, Austin

    OPEN #24-00457368
  • Drainage Pond Maintenance

    8305 Doe Meadow Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #24-00456278

    Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCESummary: Details.



Ticket Type

  • Drainage Pond Maintenance (Remove)