Requests (5,755)
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00332903Referred to Other Department - Close SR.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00332810Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. A pedestrian crossing island is in progress at this location. For more information visit the project webpage here:
Bicycle Issues
Students & Fams are being forced to wait in extreme weathers and dangerous conditions for the city bus on E Rundberg Ln. The bus stops were removed due to sidewalk construction causing a danger to school age children and their families. The lack of shelter exposes students to the elements, but more importantly are the safety concerns. This area is in need a well lit place with a bench that can accommodate all riders.
CLOSED #24-00332396Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works is coordinating with construction crews and capital metro to reinstall any bus stop amenities as construction in the area wraps up. Thank you for sharing this concern.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00332137Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works will evaluate the markings and refresh markings as crew capacity allows.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00331931Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works will evaluate the area for possible additional visibility markers. Such devices are used to support slower speeds. For more information about the City's Speed Management program, visit
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00331798Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works is constructing a project to address crash patterns as well as multimodal comfort and connectivity. For more information see a project fact sheet here:
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00331708Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation and Public Works has referred the request for a call back to the Construction Services Department for follow up.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00331438Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Signage is now installed as intended.
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #24-00331414Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works is currently evaluating this area for additional parking regulations. Signs will be installed as crew capacity allows.
Bicycle Issues
Cars cut off bike lane constantly on corner of Loyola and Ed Bluestein (6400)
CLOSED #24-00331319Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works will evaluate the current configuration at Loyola Lane at US 183 (Ed Bluestein) based on the concern. Adjustments may require coordination with TxDOT given the location.