Requests (4,570)

  • Street Resurfacing

    3401 Manor Rd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00025193

    No Action Needed - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ACTIONSummary: Street and Bridge Operations completed request.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request. If you haveany questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184815 as a reference. Roadway is clear and safe area is being re-striped by contractors.

  • Street Resurfacing

    2503 Lynnbrook Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00025140

    Future Resurfacing Planned - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_RESURFSummary: TPW - Street Resurfacing - plz investigate - 2503 LYNNBROOK DRDetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184814 as a reference.

  • Street Resurfacing

    10813 Strand St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00025138

    Future Resurfacing Planned - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_RESURFSummary: TPW - Street Resurfacing / around drains, pls investigate / 10813 STRAND STDetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184813 as a reference.

  • Street Resurfacing

    12216 Wallingstone Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00024510

    No Action Needed - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ACTIONSummary: Street and Bridge Operations completed request, internal workgroup notified.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and hasnotified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If youhave any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184800 as a reference.

  • Street Resurfacing

    207 Red Oak Cir, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00024341

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded this request back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment.

  • Street Resurfacing

    900 Garden Villa Ct, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00024148

    Future Resurfacing Planned - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_RESURFSummary: TPW - Street Resurfacing - potholes/cracks - 900 GARDEN VILLA CTDetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 24-184788 as a reference.

  • Street Resurfacing

    4514 Speedway, Austin

    Speedway between 45 and 46th is a nightmare on my bike because of the road quality. This includes the intersection of 46th and Speedway. I take more dangerous routes just to avoid triggering a migraine. Ty.

    OPEN #25-00023838
  • Street Resurfacing

    8509 Southwest Pkwy, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023760

    No Action Needed - Private Property - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NOACTION_PVTPROPSummary: TPW - Street Resurfacing - burned street - 8509 SOUTHWEST PKWYDetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and determined that this issue is on private property. No further action required. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184771 as a reference.

  • Street Resurfacing

    2201 Lear Ln, Austin

    The neighbor streets of Lear Lane and Gains Mill (off of Manchaca, South of William Cannon) were "resealed" a few months ago but the job was never completed. The streets have remained with loose gravel all over them since August. The gravel damages cars and prevents kids from using roller skates or skateboards on the street. It's a hazard and a nuisance, and we really need the sealant to be completed so we have a smooth street again.

    OPEN #25-00019135
  • Street Resurfacing

    5300 S 1st St, Austin

    OPEN #25-00018937



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