Requests (3,696)

  • Park - Tree Issues

    10904 Pickfair Dr, Austin

    OPEN #25-00026650

    Initiate Investigation. Creating inspection work order for forestry. created inspection work order 202500544,.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    10050 Slaughter Creek Dr, Austin

    Large tree broke and can easily fall over trail

    CLOSED #25-00024516

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Issue is not on City of Austin Property or Parkland.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    3508 Colmenero Cir, Austin

    Fallen tree across path on SE side of pond. Anyone taller than 5’7” has to duck

    CLOSED #25-00020498

    Issue Resolved -- Close SR.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    1157 Chicon St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00017992

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Based on the information provided this service request needs to be forwarded to Transportation Public Works.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    7821 West Rim Dr, Austin

    Nature preserve (Stillhouse hollow) - dead tree clearing and brush management. Concerned for fire risk

    CLOSED #25-00017098

    Issue Resolved -- Close SR.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    7706 Creston Ln, Austin

    Tree trimming is needed to keep branches from ripping the awning. PARD sent someone out about a year ago, but they did not cut the tree back enough.

    OPEN #25-00016115

    Initiate Investigation. This issue has been sent to a Forestry Specialist and an Inspection work order will be created.created inspection work order 202500512.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    8323 Jamestown Dr, Austin

    OPEN #25-00013468

    Initiate Investigation. A Forestry Specialist has been issued this service request for inspection. created inspection work order 202500472.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    7501 Longview Rd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00013368

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. I conducted a site inspection and confirmed that no impact to private property has occurred due to tree failure(s). Also, according to the requester, her primary concern is the potential for a wildfire accruing in public land and impacting their property (2909 W William Cannon Dr, Austin, TX 78745) due to overgrown and unmaintained vegetation within the Stephenson Nature Preserve land. This request should be forwarded to the Austin Fire Department Wildfire Division so they can assess fire risk at this site and inform the requester about her options.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    14212 Sandrock Bnd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00011626

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. This is not a tree issue.

  • Park - Tree Issues

    507 Baylor St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00010880

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Issue is not tree related. Guy wire from light has snapped and need to be reattached.



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