Requests (19,517)
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00029653Obstruction Removed by SBO - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: OBSTRN_REM_SBOSummary: Debris removedDetailsDEBRIS_REMOVEDDebris Removed.Thank you for submitting your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and cleared the debris.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00029612Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded this request back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment. Please forward to ARR.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00029462Inspector Unable to Locate Issue - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE_FOUNDSummary: No issue found.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and determined that there is no issue found. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 25-184926 as a reference. Roadway and sidewalk clear.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00028808Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded this request back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment. Please forward to ARR or Rapid Response.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00028109Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded thisrequest back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00027070Obstruction Removed by SBO - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: OBSTRN_REM_SBOSummary: TPW - Obstruction in Right of Way - piece of concrete - E ST ELMO RD and S PLEASANT VALLEY RD and TODetailsThank you for your request. The chucks of concrete have been removed from the roundabout. ROW is safe.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00026803Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded thisrequest back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment. Forward to ARR.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00026559Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Routed to 3-1-1 for reassignment.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations forwarded thisrequest back to 3-1-1 for the appropriate department assignment. Forward to Rapid Response.
Obstruction in Right of Way
CLOSED #25-00025969Non COA Jurisdiction - Close SR. Class: WORKORDERCreated By: Log Type: NOT_COAJURISDSummary: Not in COA Jurisdiction.DetailsThank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations reviewed your request and determined that this is outside of City of Austin jurisdiction. No further action required.