Requests (474)
Parks - Building Electric Issues
Restrooms are dark , have no lights, no power. Also the faucet is broken in the women restroom.
CLOSED #24-00120653Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIRED Summary: Fix lights Details Locate barker and re set timer .
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00110571Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIRED Summary: Pavilion B electrical Details The two gfci outlets were not functioning and were replaced. The time clock for the canopy lights and breaker for bathroom lights were all checked. Everything at shelter b is has now been tested and is working. We also replaced the two gfcis located at the awning directly next to pavilion b .
Parks - Building Electric Issues
Light not working in women’s restroom near Camacho rec center
CLOSED #24-00104189Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIRED Summary: Removed light cage and replaced batteries. Details Removed light cage and replaced batteries.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00099390No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE Summary: No issue found. All gfci outlet in pavilion functioning correctly Details.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00091681No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE Summary: All locations had power, a couple screw in lightbulbs were out? Details.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
Ongoing Disrepair of Restroom at Butler Softball Fields - No Lights in Restroom (there is power elsewhere at this location)
CLOSED #24-00086686Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIRED Summary: All 6 lights replaced and time clock repaired. Currently lights are all working Details.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00083325No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE Summary: Duplicate Details DuplicateCSR24-00083262.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00083262No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE Summary: Tripped breaker Details The breaker for the front lobby had tripped, the staff said they tried to reset the breaker but it would not stay on. The staff was not aware that to reset a breaker they must turn it all the way off and then to on they must have been only trying to push it from the tripped position to on that is why it was not working. The maintenance supervisor reset the breaker before I arrived Monday morning without issue, I checked the panel with my meter and found no issues .
Parks - Building Electric Issues
Lights no longer turning on
CLOSED #24-00047646Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIRED Summary: Reset time clock to lighting. Details Reset time clock to lighting.
Parks - Building Electric Issues
CLOSED #24-00034051No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: NO_ISSUE Summary: ELK electric has been notified. Details.