Requests (5,754)

  • Bicycle Issues

    313 Bowie St, Austin

    OPEN #25-00045270
  • Bicycle Issues

    3802 Bull Creek Rd, Austin

    OPEN #25-00042996
  • Bicycle Issues

    2101 Park Bend Dr, Austin

    There is currently no safe way for a bicycle, wheelchairs, or other wheeled device coming from the Walnut Creek trail along the connecting sidewalk to Park Bend Drive (approx address 2111) to get from the sidewalk onto Park Bend Drive because there are no curb cuts at either the location where the connecting path joins the sidewalk or where the Edge Creek condos driveway cuts the sidewalk. I’ve highlighted both locations in the attached pictures and request one or more curb cuts be added here.

    OPEN #25-00042482
  • Bicycle Issues

    W North Loop Blvd & Woodrow Ave, Austin

    OPEN #25-00042268
  • Bicycle Issues

    W Slaughter Ln & Menchaca Rd, Austin

    OPEN #25-00041360
  • Bicycle Issues

    Rutland Dr & Park Village Dr, Austin

    OPEN #25-00040368
  • Bicycle Issues

    4802 Berkman Dr, Austin

    Please add a physical barrier to protect the bike lane at the Berkman Dr & Garcia St intersection. I got into a serious collision here because a car was parked in the unprotected part of the bike lane. Since then I’ve seen two more. It’s particularly dangerous because legally parked cars block the view of this corner. (I asked a woman in the building about them enforcing it, and she blew me off.) I’m happy to provide more information. Thank you.

    OPEN #25-00039742
  • Bicycle Issues

    2428 E 7th St, Austin

    Broken off poles on bike lane

    OPEN #25-00037489
  • Bicycle Issues

    2704 French Pl, Austin

    Broken off poles on bike lane

    OPEN #25-00037486
  • Bicycle Issues

    1196 Airport Blvd, Austin

    Broken off poles on bike lane

    OPEN #25-00037484



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