Requests (4,646)

  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    5100 Ridge Oak Dr, Austin

    Blue reflector knocked loose.

    NEW #25-00019157
  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    9313 Cameron Rd, Austin

    OPEN #25-00017875
  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    1801 Burbank St, Austin

    Besides my existing request to place a cross walk in front of Brentwood elementary school at Burbank and Yates, can we at least get a painted curb with no parking at the corner curb? There is zero visibility from the stop sign when on Burbank St. turning north on Yates bc everyone at the elementary school parks on the street. This is a dangerous intersection that is walked by tons of elementary and middle school kids to get home.

    OPEN #25-00017536
  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    E Slaughter Ln & Narrow Glen Pkwy, Austin

    OPEN #25-00017475
  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    8627 Research Blvd Svrd NB, Austin

    Intersection, not lined. Northwest corner, Ohlen into Research.

    OPEN #25-00015756
  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    5704 Pecanwood Ln, Austin

    Can you tell me why the road (Pecanwood Lane) has been recently marked with neon road paint? The gas lines, and etc. are marked with neon road paint. There are also flags in our yard to mark gas lines, etc. I’m just curious as to why things are all marked recently. Thank you

    CLOSED #25-00015133

    Field Inspection Conducted - Close SR. Emailed resident what the spray paint is usually used for a dig test from 8-1-1 and usually washes away over time.

  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    3100 S 183 Hwy SB, Austin

    OPEN #25-00014141

    Assign To Area Engineer Staff.

  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    15021 Avery Ranch Blvd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00014099

    Field Inspection Conducted - Close SR. 01/15/25 - left voicemail for requestor to call back to discuss. 01/16/25 - spoke to the requestor, he let me know that markings crew is out at the location getting the work started on the center lines. - No further action required at this time.

  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    5102 Grover Ave, Austin

    No striping on street Grover from 49th to North Loop

    CLOSED #25-00013848

    Field Inspection Conducted - Close SR. 01/15/25 - No contact info for requestor listed. - The phone number provided is general City of Austin -Special Events phone number. Transportation Public Works (TPW) does not stripe center line markings on each street. There has never been striping on this section of Grover Ave and we do not recommend striping at this time. We will close the csr at this time, if the the requestor calls back again, please have them provide their contact information so we can discuss the details.

  • Road Markings/Striping - New

    W William Cannon Dr & Deatonhill Dr, Austin

    OPEN #25-00013413



Ticket Type

  • Road Markings/Striping - New (Remove)