Park Maintenance - Grounds

2600 N Lamar Blvd, Austin

CLOSED #24-00049780

Added for Future Clean Up - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: FUTURE_CLEAN_UPSummary: Homeless EncampmentDetailsParkRangers follow-up with visits to parks where an encampment has been reportedvia 311. At an encampment visit, Park Rangers will:Visit the park to identify and log the encampmentsNotify the campers that camping is illegal on parklandProvide information to campers about resources to assist withresolutionAssess the encampments based upon a number ofhealth and safety criteria and rank the encampment for future relocation andclean up. The numberof encampments on parkland exceeds resources available to address the issues,as there are more than 300 known encampments on parkland. Currently, collectiveresources will allow the Parks and Recreation Department to monitor thesituation, complete actions like adding bollards to reduce vehicles access,partner with the Police Department and rely upon the established prioritizationsystem for necessary resource allocations and a clean-up in the future. As a city,the team is working strategically through the top prioriti.

2600 N Lamar Blvd, Austin
30.29204875, -97.74962816
Additional Details
Does this issue impact a pending or in progress event? No


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