- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Location
Shoal Creek Blvd & Great Oaks Pkwy, Austin
30.31869849, -97.74534731 - Additional Details
- What kind of pond are you reporting? City-Owned
- What type of issue are you reporting? Standing Water
- Is your concern related to homelessness activity? No
- Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? Yes
- What is your preferred language for callback? English
No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: QUALEYR Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Investigated citizen's concern of standing water. Details Contacted concerned citizen via phone call. No answer on 05/06/24, I left a voicemail. I reached back out on 05/07/24, and he expressed his concern of the standing water, and his opinion of the new road design. He stated that he has fought for a long time to get a turn lane put in, and now the city has taken it away for a bike lane and a rain garden. I took photos and was informed by Sierra Dasilva of Shoal Creek Conservancy that this particular rain garden is one of a few new ponds being put in along Shoal Creek Blvd. Laura Dierenfield of Transportation & Public Works is the contact for the construction on the roads. Sierra stated that as soon as the water dries up, she is going to plant plantings here, and that the water is only there due to constant rain over the past day or two. I followed up with the concerned citizen referring him with both Sierra Dasilva & Laura Dierenfield.