CLOSED #24-00197154

No Work Planned - Future Project - Close SR. This request was identified as overdue in a quality assurance process. It is a duplicate with 24-00028811. Eric Loucks attempted to contact the resident via phone twice, but was unsuccessful. The Watershed Protection department has reviewed the most recent photographs and assessed this site in 2017, 2020 and 2022. It is a concrete bottom channel built in 1995. It is mostly in good condition with a few locations where there has been some erosion of the banks above the concrete. At 6404 Kenilworth, the erosion seems to be worse than nearly all the other properties along this project. This site is less shaded than most and there is a large stand of bamboo on the opposite bank of the creek. Our suggested solution is to install a mix of rock and soil to fill the eroded area and then try to establish vegetation on the bank. It's possible that the City could make this repair if we can get access. The fence and retaining wall are failing due to age and poor soils and are the responsibility of the property owner. We have added the site to our erosion database but have no immediate plans to build a project in this reach.

6404 Kenilworth Dr, Austin
30.31651572, -97.6874621
Additional Details
Where is the erosion? Easement Behind House
What is the extent of the erosion? Creek Bank Damage, Fence Damage
Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? Yes
What is your preferred language for callback? English


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