Drainage Pond Maintenance

600 W Parmer Ln, Austin

CLOSED #24-00246876

PRPRISCS. Class: SR Created By: BOTTOR Log Type: NO_WORK_PVT_POND Summary: NO WORK--PRIVATE PROPERTY Details The encampment is located on private property. Nevertheless, I have notified our camp cleanup coordinator because of its proximity of stormwater controls that the city maintains.

600 W Parmer Ln, Austin
30.40697643, -97.67103847
Additional Details
What kind of pond are you reporting? City-Owned
What type of issue are you reporting? Illegal Dumping (Trash, Debris)
Is your concern related to homelessness activity? Yes
Are people accumulating encampment materials such as tents, makeshift lodging, blankets, etc? Yes
Are people sleeping in the area? Yes
Are people performing activities related to personal hygiene? (bathing, defecating): Yes
Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? No


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