Drainage Pond Maintenance

6810 Deatonhill Dr, Austin

CLOSED #24-00249438

No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: QUALEYR Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Visited location for complaint about pond holding water. Details Citizen complained that the pond was causing mosquitos. I was in the field when I received a message that this 311 was in my area. Said pond was holding water. I went & took photos of both of these ponds. They were dry, and I didn't notice any mosquitos. I did notice that the outlet grate was covered with leaves. I removed the leaves and contacted the citizen stating what I observed. She thanked me for coming. No NOV was issued for this location.

6810 Deatonhill Dr, Austin
30.20924189, -97.81745746
Additional Details
What kind of pond are you reporting? Business/Apartment
What type of issue are you reporting? Mosquitoes
Is your concern related to homelessness activity? No
Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? Yes
What is your preferred language for callback? English


  • Submitted

  • Opened

  • Closed