CLOSED #24-00262028

No Action Needed - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: Log Type: NO_ACTION Summary: Manual Gravel Removal Details The area in question was investigated and cleared of gravel. Job complete.

Newly completed street paving project done at Barton Skyway and Rae Dell Ave. It was a poorly done job. Please inspect where car tires have created deep grooves in the new asphalt. The other issue is the amount of gravel debris that is left in the dedicated bike lane and on the ADA ramp. This hazard has been like this for a couple of weeks. This is a safety hazard and is unacceptable. Please do a follow up inspection on this job.
2901 Rae Dell Ave, Austin, Tx, 78704, Austin
30.246347997835404, -97.78448151744226
Additional Details
What is the issue? Recent Resurface Issues
When was the work done? Within last month
What is the complaint? Too much tar on the road
Has there been recent construction on the street? Yes


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