CLOSED #24-00269312

No Action Needed - Private Flooding Issue - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: VALLESJ Log Type: NO_ACTION_PRVT Summary: Grates Private Propety Details Per-investigation we have come to a conclusion that the grates belong to the complex and we have no storm drain system inside of the property. I reached out to the citizen and left him the same information that is in this statement. I asked him to reach out to the apartment complex. Lamon Jones did respond to the call but was only able to leave a couple of cones just to make the grates visible. We have looked up on our ARC maps and no information on any drainage system.

Timber Ridge Rd & Timber Pass, Austin
30.22501187, -97.74253847
Additional Details
Is the storm drain inlet or pipe in the street or at the curb? In Street
Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? Yes
What is your preferred language for callback? English


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