OPEN #24-00271061

Referred to Engineering/Pavement Management. Class: WORKORDER Created By: MAYSJA Log Type: REF_ENG-PVMT Summary: Street and Bridge Operations completed request, internal workgroup notified. Details Thank you for your request. Street and Bridge Operations completed your request and has notified the appropriate Street and Bridge Operations workgroup for follow-up, if any. If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Street and Bridge Operations Dispatch at (512) 974-8777 and provide work order number 24-177705 as a reference.

Manor Rd & Ed Bluestein Blvd Svrd Nb, Austin
30.31663311, -97.66268873
Additional Details
What is the issue? Lack of Notification for Resurfacing
Is the issue in one area of the street or entire street? Entire Street
Has there been recent construction on the street? No


  • Submitted

  • Opened