CLOSED #24-00272882

Completed - Close SR. Act#:A24-199687, Results:a few weeks ago, the dogs mauled a child, but the dogs were brought back 1 MADE CONTACT 1 EDUCATED SOMEONE 1 NOTICE LEFT 1 MESSAGE DELIVERED.

8402 Colony Loop Dr, Austin
30.29534929, -97.62728417
Additional Details
Is the dog causing a hazard or threat? Yes
What is the dog currently doing? Coming On To Property, Being Aggressive to People, Being Aggressive to Animals, Wandering In Neighborhood/Street
Is the dog on school or daycare property? No
How many dogs? 3
Do you know where the dog lives? Yes
Do you have any contact information for the animal's owner? Yes


  • Submitted

  • Opened

  • Closed