- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Hello, I'm concerned about the erosion of a city easement that runs through my backyard. My property is located at 1204 Silverton ct. Most recently a small tree has toppled over and has made the easement more vulnerable to erosion during the next rain season.
- Location
1204 Silverton Ct, Austin
30.385361767649385, -97.66037050634623 - Additional Details
- Where is the erosion? Easement Behind House
- What is the extent of the erosion? Creek Bank Damage, Property Damage (Land/Yard)
- Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue? Yes
- What is your preferred language for callback? English
Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to: Ingrid Tower/ Watershed Engineering Contact Email: ingrid.tower@austintexas.gov Contact Phone Number: Reason for referral: erosion complaint Service Request # CSR24-00307041 as a reference.