- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- This is so fucking stupid. Stop directing bike traffic to the sidewalks (and back again)! Merry Christmas.
- Location
3609 North Hills Dr, Austin
30.351692177811294, -97.75673499086847 - Additional Details
- What is the issue? Feedback on New Street Design
Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. Transportation Public Works staff evaluated the concern. The changes to North Hills Drive provide for a shared use pathway from Mesa Drive to Northledge to support dominant student commute patterns to Doss Elementary School. A two-way in-street bikeway exists on the north curb from Northledge Drive south, transitioning to one-way bikeways to Balcones Drive. This project was developed with community input. For more information, visit the project webpage at: https://data.austintexas.gov/stories/s/Far-West-North-Hills/qx6w-zu46/.