Bicycle Issues

2714 Guadalupe St, Austin

CLOSED #25-00004447

Evaluated/Addressed Issue - Close SR. he Austin Transit Partnership has recently released detailed drawings of planned rail, bikeway and pedestrian improvements on this segment of Guadalupe Street as part of the initial phase of proposed light rail through Austin. To find those details, see Appendix C of the draft Environmental Impact Statement. Public comment is welcome through March 11th at this link: Given the focus on this proposed change to Guadalupe Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and 29th Street, there are no other plans for changes to this segment of Guadalupe Street at this time. However, Transportation and Public Works will reevaluate this segment of Guadalupe Street should the proposal change or if other pavement maintenance proceeds, giving us an opportunity to evaluate near-term changes such as adding physical protection to the bike lanes.

Need bike lanes on both sides of Guadalupe, northbound between 27th and 29th, southbound between 29th and 24th. The bike lane ends abruptly in both directions, leaving bikers (many of whom are students) exposed to traffic. Several accidents have occurred, including one in the news about a scooter rider who fell into the street.
2714 Guadalupe St, Austin
30.2926925967886, -97.74140540510416
Additional Details
What is the issue? New Bicycle Lane Request


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