Traffic Signal - Maintenance

4004 Brodie Ln, Sunset Valley

CLOSED #25-00018817

Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR. The City of Austin regularly retimes all signalized corridors sequentially over a 3-year cycle, meaning that every signal is retimed once every three years (unless major changes have occurred in the area and preventative maintenance is done). COA also follows national best practices related yellow and red times. Our ultimate goal is to maximize mobility and safety throughout the city. Listing "Any" intersection results in a general response. If specific concerns related to specific intersections are conveyed, a more direct response can be provided.However, the single intersection mentioned in this request (Brodie & 290), the red & yellow clearance times were reviewed. In response, the red clearance time was increased from 1 second to two seconds. Green time was recently review and is sufficient based on the intersection needs.

All traffic lights in Austin have short greens causing the intersection to behave as if it is regulated by a stop sign, where the traffic must all come to a full stop before going through the intersection. You cannot time a sequence of intersections that behave like stop signs. Furthermore, drivers need a substantial amount of time to accelerate when the light turns green and cannot reach full speed limit velocity to maximize intersection throughput and roadway capacity. Reds shrt too.
4004 Brodie Ln, Sunset Valley
30.233128658067123, -97.81842711111305
Additional Details
Which signal type are you reporting? Traffic Signal
What is the issue with the signal? Timing
Are you reporting a timing issue with one signal or a series of signals? Series of signals
What time of the day is the problem the worst? AM Peak (6:30AM - 8:59AM)
What day of the week did you notice the problem? Monday-Friday
Is this the first time you noticed this problem? No
Direction of travel? West
What time are you reporting the incident? Business Hours - Between 6:00AM & 8:00PM M-F


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