- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Location
1403 Gracy Dr, Austin
30.38986784, -97.69435637 - Additional Details
- What type of animal? Dog
- Where is the animal currently located? Inside Home
- Who is reporting the animal bite? Victim
- Is victim a minor? No
- Has victim received treatment from a medical facility? No
- Did the bite break the skin? Yes
- What date did the bite occur? Dec 16, 2024
- What time did the bite occur? 12:00 PM
- Do you know where the animal lives? Yes
- Preferred language for contact? English
Completed - Closed. Act#:A25-215466, Results:DISPATCH-Check AP for email from Vic with bite photos/VIC ADDRESS/DATE OF BIRTH-possible dupl PID P164405A25-215397 ADDITIONAL BITEDOB 12/16/2024 @1200 ENDS 12/27/251 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE.