CLOSED #25-00039923

Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR. OLD LOCKHART RD & E SLAUGHTER LN, AUSTIN, TX TMC25-465400 311 SR Number 25-00039923 Request for a traffic signal. Intersection is located outside CoA full-purpose jurisdiction. A signal at this intersection is to be studied/funded by Travis County along with a TIA for Goodnight Ranch.Requestor notified by email that intersection is outside CoA and given Travis County TNR contact information.

Old Lockhart Rd & E Slaughter Ln, Austin
30.15174232, -97.76476528
Additional Details
What type of signal are you requesting? Traffic Signal
Why do you believe the signal is required? Busy Intersection
What time of the day is the problem the worst? AM Peak (6:30AM - 8:59AM)
What day of the week did you notice the problem? Monday-Friday


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  • Closed