- Opened
- Closed
- Description
- Location
Old Lockhart Rd & E Slaughter Ln, Austin
30.15174232, -97.76476528 - Additional Details
- What type of signal are you requesting? Traffic Signal
- Why do you believe the signal is required? Busy Intersection
- What time of the day is the problem the worst? AM Peak (6:30AM - 8:59AM)
- What day of the week did you notice the problem? Monday-Friday
Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR. OLD LOCKHART RD & E SLAUGHTER LN, AUSTIN, TX TMC25-465400 311 SR Number 25-00039923 Request for a traffic signal. Intersection is located outside CoA full-purpose jurisdiction. A signal at this intersection is to be studied/funded by Travis County along with a TIA for Goodnight Ranch.Requestor notified by email that intersection is outside CoA and given Travis County TNR contact information.