Traffic Signal - New

7812 Tisdale Dr, Austin

CLOSED #25-00043040

Issue Has Been Resolved - Close SR. 7812 TISDALE DR, AUSTIN, TX 78757 TMC25-465830 311 SR Number 25-00043040Request for a pedestrian crossing. 311 Feedback asked to re-direct to TED for their review.Requestor contacted by email and informed that request referred to TED.

Pedestrian crossing needed
7812 Tisdale Dr, Austin
30.35063604559505, -97.71930668503046
Additional Details
Is there an existing signal of any kind at the location? No
What type of signal are you requesting? Pedestrian Crossing
Why do you believe the signal is required? Difficult for Pedestrians to Cross the Street
What time of the day is the problem the worst? PM Peak (3:30PM - 6:59PM)
What day of the week did you notice the problem? Saturday-Sunday


  • Submitted

  • Opened

  • Closed