Reports (41)

  • caller has many questions about if we are testing the Colorado river or other lakes, refused to read info on our website, just stated that he then wanted to put in an SR so that someone would get in contact with him about the algae

    CLOSED #20-00333111
  • email submission Would it be possible to get the temporary warning signs about the toxic algae placed along this area? I have not seen any of these signs in this area.

    CLOSED #20-00291002
  • When entering at Lamar and Auditorium Shores. On the S side of the lake and at the 2nd entrance where dogs can swim. Caller spotted what looks to be the Blue/Green Algae. Caller was the vets when she called.

    CLOSED #20-00264210
  • citizen wants signage(signs) saying that water is still toxic cause animals still jump in the water and animal owners unaware of the toxic water

    CLOSED #19-00474551
  • Caller has multiple questions regarding the algea @ lady bird lake. Caller wants to know what type of measurements the city is taking to protect people and their pets from the algae situation

    CLOSED #19-00473480
  • caller reports that some of the signage explaining the siguation around the auditorium shores has fallen down and there are people who aren't seeing it

    CLOSED #19-00404164
  • On the other side of pleasant valley near the softball fields.

    CLOSED #19-00400504
  • not sure if she needs to take dog to the vet due to her dog running into the water and drank some water

    CLOSED #19-00392792
  • Caller states that her dog went swimming in Shoal Creek and she thinks that he is having an Algae out break.

    CLOSED #19-00390121
  • CLOSED #19-00352985



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