Requests (99)
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
Dangerous new placement of crosswalk across from school Burnet/2222. Cars turning right from 2222 onto Burnet going South have no visibility of crosswalk. If you turn right and a pedestrian chooses to cross, you have little to no time to see them or stop in time. Too busy, too many kids, blind pedestrians to create such an obscure crosswalk placement with so many obstacles on the corner. All in all, improvements have created a more dangerous pedestrian path.
CLOSED #23-00197870CPINNFAN.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
Seeking information on this job including purpose and timeline.
CLOSED #23-00181144CPREFERA. Referred to Becca Garza with 183 North as this SR is not related to any City project.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
Project constistently blocks San Antonio street with equipment causing major backups
CLOSED #23-00175233CPREFERA. The Guadalupe corridor is not currently under construction in this area. I believe this may be related to a private development and should be referred to permitting management.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
requesting information as to the length of time that this construction on the 290 Corredor from 71 to Mopac will be reducing our traffic lanes. Our traffic lanes have been reduced by over 50%. for 3+ months now doubling our commute time, sometimes even tripling, even quadrupling, just to get out of the neighborhood. Please provide feedback as to the continued plans here. Our neighborhood thought there was no way the city would reduce our lanes by over half for this long of a period.
CLOSED #23-00173029CPREFERA. This is related to TxDOT's Oak Hill Parkway Project. I emailed the citizen to provide contact information for the Oak Hill Parkway team.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
You have a 100+ cars sitting at consecutive stoplights with absolutely no cross traffic. Maybe one car. The amount of town it takes to go 1 mile is absurd..combined with 100+ cars idling in traffic for no reason.
CLOSED #23-00147798CPREFERA. Please route this SR to ATD Signals.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
The ped poles on the new SUP crossing 290 frontage road at airport (crossing on east leg east bound frontage road) are incorrectly placed and not facing the path. They need to be adjusted so people can press them. They also seem high.
CLOSED #23-00126676CPINNFAN. The pedestrian pole issue has been resolved.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
Jack hammering continually at night causing noise disturbances in excess of 80 decibels unacceptable after 9pm.
CLOSED #23-00123348CPREFERA. This is south of the CPO project limits and may be related to a private development. Please refer to ATD for now.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
Lane closures and rerouting causing excessive traffic, anger and frustration
CLOSED #23-00119004CPREFERA. This is south of the CPO project limits and may be a private development. Please refer to ATD for now.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
CLOSED #23-00118752CPREFERA. Please refer to ATD.
Corridor Program - Corridor Feedback
CLOSED #23-00063338CPINNFAN. This is not a CPO corridor, and is actually in Del Valle city limits. The citizen left no contact information to follow up with.