Requests (5,755)
Bicycle Issues
Complete bicycle lane down Yager Ln. Completely not accessible. Debris grass, weeds, tree limbs. Glass!
CLOSED #25-00013176Referred to Other Department - Close SR.
Bicycle Issues
OPEN #25-00012871 -
Bicycle Issues
OPEN #25-00010290 -
Bicycle Issues
OPEN #25-00009585 -
Bicycle Issues
Great work here. We've waited a long time for San Jac and Trinity to get some attention.
OPEN #25-00008359 -
Bicycle Issues
OPEN #25-00007690 -
Bicycle Issues
CLOSED #25-00007650Referred to Other Department - Close SR.
Bicycle Issues
OPEN #25-00005970 -
Bicycle Issues
Need bike lanes on both sides of Guadalupe, northbound between 27th and 29th, southbound between 29th and 24th. The bike lane ends abruptly in both directions, leaving bikers (many of whom are students) exposed to traffic. Several accidents have occurred, including one in the news about a scooter rider who fell into the street.
OPEN #25-00004447 -