Requests (27,877)

  • Animal Bite

    5601 Travis Green Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00025028

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215560, Results:Vic: get full report, bite pics, verify breakage of skinDOB 1/23/25 12:00 MID 1/28/25 ENDS 2/3/25240HRS 2/2/2025> 12:002 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE1 LETTER SENT.

  • Animal Bite

    2520 Walsh Tarlton Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00024807

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215542, Results:Minor VIC/VIO, get reportDOB 1/23/25 20:00 MID 1/28/25 ENDS 2/3/25240HRS 2/2/2025> 20:002 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED.

  • Animal Bite

    307 Chicon St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00024496

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215533, Results:VIC/VIO - Bite Rpt, Bite pictures, ID dog and verify tagsDOB 01/23/25 > MID 01/29/25 > ENDS 02/03/25240 HRS 02/02/25 > 14001 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED1 LETTER SENT1 REPORT TAKEN.

  • Animal Bite

    9415 Mc Neil Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023716

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215473, Results:Enter report from fax, get bite picsDOB 1/22/25 18:30 MID 1/27/25 ENDS 2/2/25240HRS 2/1/2025> 18:301 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED1 REPORT TAKEN.

  • Animal Bite

    1403 Gracy Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023574

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215466, Results:ATF bite - get report.DOB 12/16/2024 @1200 ENDS 12/27/251 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 REPORT TAKEN1 LETTER SENT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE.

  • Animal Bite

    10001 S 1st St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023552

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215462, Results:VIC/VIO - Bite Rpt, Bite pictures, ID Dog and verify tagsDOB 01/22/25 > MID 01/28/25 > ENDS 02/02/25240 HRS 02/01/25 > 00001 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED1 LETTER SENT1 REPORT TAKEN.

  • Animal Bite

    13109 Tamar Ct, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023307

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215450, Results:Bite Rpt, Bite pictures, ID Dog and verify tagsDOB 01/22/25 > MID 01/28/25 > ENDS 02/02/25 240 HRS 02/02/25 > 16501 MADE CONTACT1 REPORT TAKEN1 BITE IMAGES.

  • Animal Bite

    7500 W Slaughter Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023300

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215448, Results:Bite Rpt, Bite pictures, Verify tagsDOB 01/18/25 > MID 01/24/25 > ENDS 01/29/25240 HRS 01/28/251 MADE CONTACT1 REPORT TAKEN2 BITE IMAGES.

  • Animal Bite

    3001 Palm Way, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00023070

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215432, Results:Vic/Vio?? address- Check AP for response from Vic-get full rpt-ID bite dog-Check RV- ED on RQ-determine if elig for HQ-if UTMC issue NOVDOB 01/21/2025 MID 1/27/25 ENDS 2/1/25240HRS 1/31/25>??1 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 NOTICE LEFT1 ISSUED WARNING.

  • Animal Bite

    Cooper Ln & W Dittmar Rd, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00022662

    Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-215398, Results:FOR #453 and #213MC with VIO, discuss VetQ and possibly intake for Shelter Q per MontieDOB 1/20/25 > EOB 1/31/251 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT2 MESSAGE DELIVERED.



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