Requests (27,964)
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035392Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216294, Results:possible SBI, see bite and email from AP/ALB1 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035335Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216288, Results:Vic/Vio address-ED on HQ/QinDOB 02/01/25 MID 2/7/25 ENDS 2/12/25240HRS 2/11/25 > 08001 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE1 QUARANTINE IN.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035320Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216286, Results:Patrol for bite dog day 4Incident occurred on S Congress near Howler Brothers, patrol around Lola apartments as dog may live thereDOB 02/02/2025 MID 2/8/25 ENDS 2/13/25240HRS 2/12/25 >12501 UNABLE TO LOCATE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035315Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216284, Results:A25-216220-duplicate-Escelation sent to supervisor/Leads on previous ASST PUBLIC1 DUPLICATE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035233Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216277, Results:Check AP for response from Vic with details of incident and bite photos-2/03/25 14:15 if no response by EOD abate-send vic LTRDOB 01/26/2025 MID 2/1/25 ENDS 2/6/25 240HRS 2/5/25 > 14001 LETTER SENT.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00035222Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216273, Results:Vio address - Got confirmation from VIC dog was restrained at time of bite, heading back to set HQDOB 02/02/2025 MID 2/8/25 ENDS 2/13/25 240HRS 12/12/25 > 09102 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE1 QUARANTINE IN.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00034630Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216243, Results:pbd day 3 - before runningDOB 02/01/2025 MID 2/7/25 ENDS 2 /12/25240HRS 2/11/25 > 11:30 AM or PM????1 PATROL FOR BITE ANIMAL1 UNABLE TO LOCATE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00034370Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216220, Results:vio, 2nd vic, no medical, verify bite and get photos of wounds on hands, get RV for Boo, no hq because he was loose at the time-DOB 1/31/25 21:00 MID 2/5/25 ENDS 2/11/25240HRS 2/10/2025> 21:001 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 ISSUED WARNING.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00034053Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216200, Results:ELEMENT STUDIOS2 MADE CONTACT1 NOTICE LEFT.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00034035Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216197, Results:Patrol for bite dog day 1 of 3DOB 1/31/25 18:00 MID 2/5/25 ENDS 2/11/25240HRS 2/10/2025> 18:001 PATROL FOR BITE ANIMAL1 UNABLE TO LOCATE.