Requests (27,964)
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00034002Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216192, Results:VIC - get full report w/photosDupl A25-216200.1 DUPLICATE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00033992Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216191, Results:EUTH appoitment at 4:30pm 02/07/25.Owner is meetng APO early to spend time with dog.Bring remains back to AAC2 MADE CONTACT.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00033794Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216178, Results:Get full report w/photos1 MESSAGE DELIVERED.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00033724Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216170, Results:VIO address; need vic info/address1 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE1 REPORT TAKEN1 BITE IMAGES1 CURRENT ON TAGS.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00033603Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216159, Results:last attempt , vic, Sharon , wildlife bite? get rpt or leave notice to seek further medical if utmc1 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED1 EDUCATED SOMEONE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00033044Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216111, Results:Vic: verify if owner was bitten (notes indicate bite between dog and squirrel)DOB 1/30/25 00:00 MID 2/4/25 ENDS 2/10/25240HRS 2/9/2025> 00:001 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 MESSAGE DELIVERED1 EDUCATED SOMEONE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00032772Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216087, Results:ID VIC - get full report, bite pics, ID ownerDOB 1/30/25 22:10 MID 2/4/25 ENDS 2/10/25240HRS 2/9/2025> 12:501 MADE CONTACT.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00032663Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216081, Results:VIC/VIO, set hq check RVDOB 01/30/25 > MID 02/04/25 > ENDS 02/09/25240 HRS 02/08/25 > 17001 MADE CONTACT1 QUARANTINE IN1 EDUCATED SOMEONE.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00032446Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216065, Results:ID VIO AND DOG, check RV, no HQ, issue NOV1 MADE CONTACT1 UNABLE TO MAKE CONTACT1 ISSUED WARNING2 NOTICE LEFT.
Animal Bite
CLOSED #25-00032155Completed - Close SR. Act#:A25-216042, Results:; this address is VIO - need report/info from victim AND interpreter via 3-1-1 that speaks Ukrainian; no medical per SREnds 1/31 @ 19:53 PM; bite happened on 1/21 @ 19:53 PM per SR1 MADE CONTACT1 EDUCATED SOMEONE1 BITE IMAGES.