Requests (408)

  • Several tents and garbage everywhere

    CLOSED #24-00322885

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: Please forward to PARD. Encampments.Details_Details_Several tents and garbage everywhere _Flex Notes_*What is the issue?*Trash/Debris On Land*Is your concern related to homelessness activity?*Yes*Are people accumulating encampment materials such as tents, makeshift lodging, blankets, etc?*Yes*Are people sleeping in the area?*Yes*Are people performing activities related to personal hygiene? (bathing, defecating)*Yes*What segment(s) of Lady Bird Lake?*From South 1st Street Bridge to Congress Ave. Bridge*Is this on the north shore of south shore of Lady Bird Lake?*North Shore*Provide any additional details of the issue.*Laundry, needles,*Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue?*No*SR SLA (Due) Date/Time*01/14/2025 11:23:13 AM*Mobile Apps Reporter Information*app=;app_ver=6.4.10;os=ios;os_ver=17.6.1;model=iPhone 13 Pro Max;model_id=;device_id=9addb3b7-1d45-46ca-a56c-915b81499653;input_locale=en-US;registered=2024-02-13T15:25:55*Spot Reference Id*d2067813-87c1-49cc-8a81-d53fc0488465Please forward to PARD. Encampments.

  • CLOSED #24-00287502

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: 8.27.2024 Details Thank you for your service request. The City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department has a crew dedicated to providing maintenance to Lady Bird Lake and 13 miles of shoreline. The crew works on a preventative maintenance schedule and will get to this area sometime within the month.

  • A lot of litter floating on top of lady bird lake under mopac closer to north shore

    CLOSED #24-00285566

    Cleared Debris on Shoreline - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_SHORE Summary: 8.27.2024 Details Crew is working in the area today.

  • Large amounts of trash in Lady Bird Lake

    CLOSED #24-00277457

    Cleared Debris on Shoreline - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_SHORESummary: 8.7.2024DetailsCrew was in the area and collected trash.

  • CLOSED #24-00276666

    Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: POOLW Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: Transfer to Parks and Recreation Details Please transfer to the Parks and Recreation department. This is their property and they are aware of the issue. Thank you.

  • Lots of trash in the lake from recent rains. Probably from all the homeless camps that continue to be allowed in flood plains.

    CLOSED #24-00273092

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ZUNIGAE Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Investigation Details Crew will be in the area at end of month.

  • Trash Lady Bird Lake

    CLOSED #24-00253511

    Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ZUNIGAE Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: 7.15.2024 Details Thank you for your service request. The City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department has a crew dedicated to providing maintenance to Lady Bird Lake and 13 miles of shoreline. The crew works on a preventative maintenance schedule and will get to this area sometime within the month.

  • CLOSED #24-00240808

    No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ZUNIGAE Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: 7.9.24 Details Called citizen in regards to containment boom and left a voice message requesting a call back,.

  • CLOSED #24-00231542

    Cleared Debris in Water - Close SR. Class: WORKORDER Created By: ZUNIGAE Log Type: CLR_DEBRIS_WATER Summary: 7.2.2024 Details Crew removed the containment boom that was behind the cydercade and will be replacing it with a new one. the boom was dragged out of the water at holiday ramp and will be left over night to dry. Crew will take brush truck tomorrow and load it on the one ton to be hauled to TDS.

  • CLOSED #24-00221726



Ticket Type

  • Lady Bird Lake Debris Issues (Remove)