Requests (6,345)
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
Water fountain not working.
CLOSED #24-00337919Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Fixed bubbersDetailsFixed bubbers.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
CLOSED #24-00337857Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Fixed broken bubblesDetailsFixed broken bubbles.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
Irrigation appears damaged and leaking water
CLOSED #24-00337562Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Replaced three one inch valvesDetailsReplaced three one inch valves.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
CLOSED #24-00336758Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Fixed broken bubblesDetailsFixed broken bubbles.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
CLOSED #24-00335911Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Fixed broken bubblesDetailsFixed broken bubbles.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
CLOSED #24-00335400No Issue Found - Close SR. The Grove - privately maintained, no pard.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
Water fountain stuck and wasting water
CLOSED #24-00334710Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Fixed broken bubblesDetailsFixed broken bubbles.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
Clogged dog water fountain on Butler Trail under Mopac
CLOSED #24-00333903Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: Unclogged. DrainDetailsUnclogged. Drain.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
Water coming up from fence post
CLOSED #24-00332699No Issue Found - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: NO_ISSUESummary: Water coming up from fence was coming from drip, not coming from our parkland.DetailsWater coming up from fence was coming from drip, not coming from our parkland.
Park Maintenance - Grounds Plumbing Issues
CLOSED #24-00330852Issue Repaired - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: ISSUE_REPAIREDSummary: hose replacedDetailshose replaced.