Requests (384)
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
in the front yard
CLOSED #23-00175689 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
CLOSED #23-00175491 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
Matress and sign stand equipment
CLOSED #23-00174194 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
Same address, yet different account number. caller wants to ensure that the special services continue, even though there is a new account holder. Old acct is 9305600000 was under; New account number is: 6213898078 under Charlotte Robinson and Jo Ann Robinson; caller wants to also ensure she has her Cap program associated on new account.
CLOSED #23-00171061 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
The bike lanes on the slaughter railroad bridge are full of trash from construction
CLOSED #23-00169678 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
Recycling was not picked up on scheduled day. Cart is full and was left when the truck went by.
CLOSED #23-00169488 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
left side of house
CLOSED #23-00166364 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
CLOSED #23-00164698 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
What is actually going on here?! There are now 3 permanent structures erected here, built on public right of ways. Drug dealing and prostitution takes place in common site, day and night. Garbage is strewn about, chairs, sofas, blocking public right of way. No more excuses - this crack corner needs cleaned up!!!
CLOSED #23-00162983 -
Austin Resource Recovery - Special Services
Recycling has not been picked up
CLOSED #23-00162212