Reports (3,662)
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00151581Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ELSEYW Log Type: WO_CREATED Summary: Fence Details Work order 24-178307 has been created and assigned to crew.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00149185Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCE Summary: Pond Flag $435 Details Pond Flag #345:According to the contractor's Weekly Progress Report, this pond was maintained on April 18, 2024. There are photos uploaded by the contractor in Sharepoint that indicate the work was completed. This pond is on a 6x annual maintenance schedule with tentatively scheduled maintenance to occur in January, April, May, June, October and November. The pond should be receiving maintenance again this month (May).
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Litter and debris throughout the retention pond in Butler park. There is also a lot of algae. Please clean up
CLOSED #24-00148535Site Being Monitored - Contact Caller - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: KRAMERJ Log Type: SITE_MONITOR Summary: sent to FOD 5/2/24 Details FOD will go clean up trash.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00145879Site Being Monitored - Contact Caller - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: RODRIGUEZANG Log Type: SITE_MONITOR Summary: Spills, WQC Wallace is the lead on this site. Details Wallace and Oscar communicated the status and corrective action associated with this site. Work is in progress toward compliance and coordinating with TCEQ.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00145859Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: CASTILLOE Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACK Summary: We do not have the tools or the training to go & find a cat in our system route to Animal Control . Details Detailscaller said she been reporting this kitten trapped in the retention pond for about a month now the original request went to animal control SR#120725 and they closed it out stating they could not locate it caller is concerned the kitten is going to drown because it looks like it might rain today, she would like someone to go get the kitten out of the retention pond. can watershed go get it out and have animal control pick it up . Femica in the 311-command center helpline advised to send over this request to watershed.Flex NotesWhat kind of pond are you reporting?Business/ApartmentWhat type of issue are you reporting?OtherIf other, please describe.ketten trappped in storm drainIs your concern related to homelessness activity?NoFurther describe the location of the issue.storm drain located at the 1st entrance of the apartments the retention pond is near building #6Would you like a callback from Watershed Protection regarding this issue?YesWhat is your preferred language for callback?SpanishSR SLA (Due) Date/Time01/16/2025 02:29:47 PMClosest intersection5152354Per Daniel Herrera: Good morning. We do not have the tools or the training to go and find a cat in our system. Animal Control is the best department for this SR to go to.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00144869No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ELSEYW Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Trespassing Details Spoke with homeowner in regard to entering Watershed property. Homeowner has gate access in shared fence, he mows a few feet out from the fence inside pond to prevent pests from entering his yard and home. I explained to homeowner the importance of the asset and encouraged him to not dump lawn waste in pond area. gates were secure and there is no sign of homeless persons in the area.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00144707No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ELSEYW Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Trespassing Details This CSR was called in multiple times. Using CSR24-00144869 from this point forward to track.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00144494Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. This site is still under our vegetation control program and will be mowed again as soon as we are able. Please note we are unable to give specific dates for any work. All dates are approximate as weather and conditions at other sites in our contractor's queue will affect how long it takes to complete work. We are continuing vegetation maintenance at pond and creek sites as best we can, while prioritizing the sites that have been longest without cuts.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00144087Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: MORGANJ Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCE Summary: Pond Flag #347 Details Pond Flag #347: This pond is on a 4x annual maintenance schedule and was last maintained in November 2023. It should have received maintenance in March and it is on the schedule for May 2024. Since there are only five days left in the month of April, I have requested that the contractor prioritize this pond for the May maintenance. Will follow up with contractor after the first week of May to determine if the pond was mowed.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00142611No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SR Created By: ELSEYW Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUND Summary: Animal Details Ponds Crew inspected location 05/06/2024, no dead animal was found at this time.