Requests (6,002)

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    415 Krebs Ln, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00037404

    Provided Resolution to Customer - Close SR. I've provided the customer with a resolution.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    4111 Shoal Creek Blvd, Austin

    I would like to see if the city can get an arborist to save trees marked with ribbons for removal. Some of these trees have silver i.d. tags on them. 4111 Shoal Creek Blvd. and the vacant lot just north of 4111 Shoal Creek Blvd. (if there was a house on the vacant lot, it would be 4113 or 4115 ShoalCreek Blvd.). The marked tree in the vacant lot is huge. Thank you.

    CLOSED #25-00037117

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please forward to City Arborist office for tree review questions. No violation has occurred per this service request as of yet so enforcement does not yet get involved.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    2207 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00036558

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. Spoke to citizen via phone call.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    4211 Red River St, Austin

    Trucks idling and backup alarms going off constantly along with sounds of giant concrete chunks being dropped into industrial dumpsters. Can smell exhaust from our yard.

    CLOSED #25-00036521

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. Inspector spoke with citizen.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    601 Sandringham Cir, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00036478

    Inspect Site. The city does not do consultations for tree hazards on private property. A private industry arborist will need to be consulted for a consultation.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    1327 Wilderness Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00036364

    Inspect Site. Forwarded to site inspector for investigation.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    2016 W Koenig Ln, Austin

    Broken tree limb hanging above sidewalk

    CLOSED #25-00033939

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please refer to Public Works Forestry for Right of Way tree management.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    2205 Palmera Cv, Austin

    Critical root zone regulation from austin code was not abided by. There was no permit either. Spectrum was repairing a line under ground and cut through 6-7 large roots only 2 feet away from the trunk of a 26” catalpa tree.

    CLOSED #25-00033849

    Provided Resolution to the Customer - No Violation Found - Close SR. I spoke to the citizen multiple times this week through - In person visit, phone call, and email.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    3400 Pickle Dr, Austin

    CLOSED #25-00033725

    Provided Resolution to Customer - Close SR. Inspector spoke to citizen.

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint

    7355 Spicewood Springs Rd, Austin

    Their is a downed tree out at st Edwards green belt in the most popular swimming spot, it’ kinda ruined it momentarily

    CLOSED #25-00033718

    Referred to 311 For Further Review. Please refer to Austin Parks and Recreation dept.



Ticket Type

  • Tree and Environmental Complaint (Remove)