Requests (3,691)
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00410652Caller Cancelled Request - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CANCEL_CUSTSummary: Caller canceled requestDetailsCaller canceled request.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00407740Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCESummary: Pond Flag 638Details*Pond Flag 638:*The contractors who maintain this pond have been warned about the alligator sighting. Texas Parks and Wildlife has been contacted and Watershed is working with them to have the alligator relocated. In the meantime, please read the following link provided by the Texas Parks and Wildlife:TPWD: If You See An Alligator.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00406307Referred to Internal Workgroup - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: REF_INTERNALSummary: Your request has been referred internally to another workgroupDetailsWork Group referred to: Contact Email: Contact Phone Number: Reason for referral: Service Request # CSR24-00406307 as a reference.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00405828Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCESummary: Pond Flag 156Details*Pond Flag 156:*This pond is maintained four times annually and was on the schedule for October. Watershed has contacted the contractor to request the date the pond was maintained with photos. Contractor is aware that the area next to the sidewalk is overgrown and needs maintenance.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00405630Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: CSR_FEEDBACKSummary: investigationsDetailsAfter investigating and reviewing GIS maps, directly behind her address isRight of Way: 400783017. The trees are outside of the channel. Please transfer to Transportation Public Works department.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Detention pond out of code
CLOSED #24-00405152No Work Planned - No Problem Found - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: NO_PROBLEMFOUNDSummary: Vegetation does not rise to the level of an NOV. No other deficiences.DetailsThis CSR concerns SCMs 401318951 and 401318964. I contacted Mr. Patel on 11/14/2024 to discuss his complaint. I noted that it was for vegetation and asked if he had any other concerns with the SCMs. He did not. Mr. Patel recently sold one of the parcels serviced by the SCMs and was concerned that the new owner was not abiding by their sales obligation to maintain the SCMs. I visited the site on 11/14/2024 and, while there are some patches of Johnson grass present in the flood detention SCM and some vines on some walls and the fence, I did not determine that the vegetation was excessive, impeding function, nor obstructing visibility. Aside from a minor washout of rock placed in a scoured area in the water quality SCM inlet, no other issues were noted. I called Mr. Patel back and discussed that we're not strict in enforcing vegetation issues when they do not present a problem with one of the above; therefore, I did not think an NOV was warranted. He understood and thanked me for promptly looking into it. Photographs of my observations are attached.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00404788Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: WO_CREATEDSummary: Site visit and phone call to concerned citizen.DetailsSite visit in response to 311. SCM is currently non-compliant for standing water and debris and is being cited under WO# 24-188868. No further action needed to fulfill 311; closing CSR.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00403989Future Work Scheduled - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: WO_CREATEDSummary: InvestigationDetailsDuring investigation it was determined that the fence has several loose and or broken pickets but is otherwise structurally sound. Created work order 24-188876 to have fence pickets repaired/replaced as necessary.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
Overgrown vegetation including large amount of poison ivy and other invasive plants in drainage ditch that is creeping into yard. Submitted ticket #24-00216451 and it was closed saying it would be cleaned in June but it never was
CLOSED #24-00402263Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCESummary: Pond Flag 1012Details*Update:*Upon further investigation this address is located outside of the pond maintenance area. The area behind the address provided is owned by the Bradshaw Crossing Master Community and is the responsibility of this entity. Please refer to the attached map.
Drainage Pond Maintenance
CLOSED #24-00401813Vegetation Maintenance - Close SR. Class: SRCreated By: Log Type: VEG_MAINTENANCESummary: Pond Flag 964.1Details*Pond Flag 964:*This pond was visited two weeks ago with the contractor who maintains this pond. The contractor explained that the water level was very low due to the drought. They worked on removing some of the invasive species and planting some native species. They will return to this pond to continue this work. They also removed some trash from the pond. At this time there is nothing more that can be done to improve the water level.