Requests (3,663)
Park - Tree Issues
Large tree broke and can easily fall over trail
CLOSED #25-00024516Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Issue is not on City of Austin Property or Parkland.
Park - Tree Issues
Fallen tree across path on SE side of pond. Anyone taller than 5’7” has to duck
CLOSED #25-00020498Issue Resolved -- Close SR.
Park - Tree Issues
CLOSED #25-00017992Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Based on the information provided this service request needs to be forwarded to Transportation Public Works.
Park - Tree Issues
Nature preserve (Stillhouse hollow) - dead tree clearing and brush management. Concerned for fire risk
CLOSED #25-00017098Issue Resolved -- Close SR.
Park - Tree Issues
CLOSED #25-00011626Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. This is not a tree issue.
Park - Tree Issues
CLOSED #25-00010880Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. Issue is not tree related. Guy wire from light has snapped and need to be reattached.
Park - Tree Issues
Two large live oak trees on city property has low hanging branches touching the sidewalk and blocking wheelchair access. Needs trimming and arborist says it's city responsibility.
CLOSED #25-00010606Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. This issue is not located on parks and recreation owned or maintained property.
Park - Tree Issues
CLOSED #25-00008210Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. I spoke with the requester and confirmed that her concern is not with trees impacting park amenities, but with tree debris blocking water drainage infrastructure to Onion Creek during heavy rains between Pleasant Valley RD. and Salt Springs Dr., which is creating driving and accessibility hazards for residents in the areas adjacent to and/or near Salt Springs Neighborhood Park. Request needs to be forwarded to either Austin Water or Watershed Protection Departments.
Park - Tree Issues
Please trim lower branches to raise canopy and remove stakes (have been in the ground for years). Located along the trail. See attachment for location
CLOSED #25-00005350Issue Resolved -- Close SR. Issue resolved.
Park - Tree Issues
Branches over hanging into street hitting car mirrors
CLOSED #24-00461126Referred to 311 For Further Review - Close SR. This was looked at and was on the north side of the road and is near the Right of Way.